Wednesday, May 28, 2014

A House, But Not A Home

A House, But Not A Home
You banished me from your life.
Abandoned me to the wolves
Who raised me good and right.
You danced into the night,
Sailed in an intoxicating river
That seemingly rescued you
From your sob story of plight.
Defended the wrongs &
Ignored what’s right.
Promised to change,
But relapsed at night.
A whirlwind of dogs
Came and sniffed in delight,
They sensed you were grieving
And took hold with their might.
So now you blame me
For ruining your life,
But it’s ok…
I saved you in spite.
 ~Paige Jackson~

SSR 5/27/14

Thursday, May 22, 2014

If I Could Interview My Favorite Rapper

      If I had the chance to host my own talk show, I would want to interview the greatest rapper of all time, at lest for me, Tupac Shakur. 
     Obviously I've never met this man seeing that he died before my time (September 13, 1996), but for me there is so much that'd I'd like to ask him because he seemed very straight forward and true to himself and the world, and those people are the best kinds of people to interview,
not much to hide, and not a lot to hold back.    
     I would've probably asked him what inspired him? And, When did he start rapping? I don't know if this question would be difficult to answer, but I've always wanted to know what kind of struggles he's been through, rapping about it is one thing, but putting it in to words is a whole different story, at least that's how it is for me.
     I don't know whether or not viewers would want to tune in to watch this interview, but if there is one thing I know, it's that people are curious, and that Tupac is a legend (especially to the rapping community)and that's what would make the interview a compelling viewing experience maybe not to all, but even if it's just me or a small group that gets their questions answered, at least we got to know.

SSR ~Paige Jackson

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

I Believe

                                               I Believe....
                                                 that anything is possible,
                                                          in the power of a team,
                                                                    the beauty of trust,
                                                                            & modesty.
                                               I Believe if you wish hard enough,
                                                       SCREAM loud enough,
                                                           Hope long enough,
                                               & DREAM every waking moment,
                                                      Anything Is Possible.
                                              I don't Believe in....
                                                   half truths,
                                                      or grudges,
                                                        the defilement of young innocent minds,
                                                            judging people based on looks,  
                                                       telling people they can't get better at
                                                                   something they love,

                                             I use to Believe in...
                                                   Fairy-tail endings,
                                                      & that love lasts forever
                                                                I BELIEVE that the
                                                          most AMAZING thing there is,
                                                        is the BELIEF in the unknown, and
                                                     the unconditional TRUST in something
                                                        WRITTEN BY; Paige Jackson.